Thursday, August 30, 2012

XOOM REFERRAL PROGRAM | Code for 20$ Amazon Gift Card Bonus


You can earn 20$ by signing up xoom using a referral link (
This program is valid only for new sign up.

Here is how to redeem :

  • You need to sign up new using a referral link. You can use mine or grab one from your friend if they have it.

  • Once you are in xoom home page, register by clicking "Sign Up Now for FREE"

  • Complete the sign up form
  • Once you are signed in, perform the transfer
  • Make sure you do all these step in the same browser window
  • This will ensure the cookies and cache remains intact and would guarantee referral payment
  • Once the amount is credited in receivers bank account , i.e, the transaction is complete, you would receive an referral payment email. It would be sent to the email that you provided during registration.
  • You would find your Amazon 20$ Gift Card Claim Code in the email.
  • Here is how to redeem
    • Goto
    • On the left side towards the bottom of the page under "Manage your Gift Cards" section you would see "Apply to Your Account". Click on it

    • Sign in to your Amazon account (If you are a first time customer then can sign up for free)
    • Once you are signed in, it will ask for the claim code. Enter the claim code that you received in email.

    • The 20$ is now in your amazon account. Whenever, you purchase an item, the coupon will automatically be applied in the final review page of the order.
    • Here is how the 20$ promo email looks
    • Alternately, you can also redeem the gift card, directly while purchasing an item from Amazon by entering the "Claim Code" in the payment page under "promotion code"